Shri.Bharat Shikshan Prasarak Mandal Wadala's


Reaccredited with B++ (2.87 CGPA ) by NAAC

Affiliated to Punyashlok Ahilyadevi Holkar Solapur University, Solapur

Address- Tal.North Solapur, Dist.Solapur - 413222 (Maharashtra State).

Phone/Fax :0217-2246530, E-MAIL :


Programme Outcomes of B. Sc.
Acquired the knowledge with facts and figures related to various subjects in pure sciences such as Physics, Chemistry, Zoology, Botany, Mathematics etc.
Understood the basics concepts, fundamental principles and the specifics theory related to various specific phenomena and there relevancies in the day to day life.
Acquire the skills in handling scientific instruments, planning and performing in laboratory experiments.
Developed scientific outlook not only with respect to science subjects but also in all aspects related to life.
Realize that pursuit of knowledge is a life-long activity and in combination with untiring efforts and positive attitude and other necessary qualities leads towards a successful life.
B.Sc.-III Chemistry B.Sc. Programme Specific Outcomes
After successful completion of three year degree program in Chemistry a student should be able to:-
Demonstrate, solve and an understanding of major concepts in all disciplines of chemistry.
Solve the problem and also think methodically, independently and draw a logical conclusion..
Employ critical thinking and the scientific knowledge to design, carry out, record and analyze the results of chemical reactions.
Create an awareness of the impact of chemistry on the environment, society, and development outside the scientific community.
Find out the green route for chemical reaction for sustainable development.
Inculcate the scientific temperament in the students and outside
B.Sc.-III Mathematics B.Sc. Programme Specific Outcomes
After successful completion of three year degree program in Chemistry a student should be able to:-
know when there is a need for information, to be able to identify, locate , evaluate and effectively use that information for the isshue and problem
Formulate and develop mathematical argument in a logical manner.
Acquire good knowledge and understanding advanced in a areas of mathematics and statistics, choosen by the student from the given courses.
Understand, formulate and use quantitative models arising in a social science, business and other contexts.
B.Sc. Sem-I to VI (CBCS Semester Pattern Syllabus)
Sem-I Physical + inorganic chemistry
students will be able to:-
Mathamatical concept & physical quantities & there dimension
Physical chemistry is the branch of chemistry which support in different ways to understand subject In mathematical way
Sem II Analytical + inorganic chemistry
students will be able to:-
Pollution :- This course will give knowledge of water pollution i.e inorganic pollutant & toxic metal
Laboratory course
Inorganic chemistry:- Identification of two acidic & two basic radicals by semi micro qualitative analysis technique.
Organic chemistry:- Organic preparation , determination of boiling point.
Physical chemistry:- Experiment in kinetics , viscometer, eudiometry.
Sem-III Organic + inorganic chemistry
Student will be able to:-
Name reaction with mechanism
Organic compound
Sem IV Physical + inorganic chemistry
Student will be able to:-
Thermodynamics- concept of entropy
Electrochemistry- types of conductor
Solid state – laws of crystallography
Sem IV Physical + inorganic chemistry
Student will be able to:-
Thermodynamics- concept of entropy
Electrochemistry- types of conductor
Solid state – laws of crystallography
Laboratory course
Organic & Inorganic
Only demonstration
Qualitative analysis- Identification of compound
Quantitative analysis-volumetric estimation
Physical & Inorganic chemistry
Physical – Instrumental – conduct metrically , potentiometrically, viscometer Non instrument- Inorganic – separation of binary mixture & estimation of any one by volumetric method
Sem-V -VI VII-XI Physical chemistry
Student will be able to:-
Write an expression for rate constant K for third order reaction
Solve the numerical problems based on Rate constant
Understand the term specific volume, molar volume and molar refraction
Know the meaning of phase, component and degree of freedom
Derive the expression for rotational spectra for the transition from J to J+1
Sem-V- VI P- VIII-XII Inorganic chemistry
Student will be able to:-
Know the meaning of various terms involved in co-ordination chemistry
To understand Warner's formulation of complexes and identify the types of valences.
Know the limitations of VBT
Know the shapes of d-orbital's and degeneracy of d-orbital's
Draw the geometrical and optical isomerism of complexes
Sem-V-VI P-IX-XIII Organic chemistry
Student will be able to:-
Define organic acids and bases.
Distinguish between geometrical and optical isomerism.
Discuss kinetics, mechanism and stereochemistry of SN1 and SN2 reactions.
Compare between E1 and E2 reactions.
Understand the evidences, reactivity and mechanism of various elimination and substitution reactions.
Sem-V-VI P-X-XIV Analytical chemistry
Student will be able to:-
Know the principles of common ion effect and solubility product.
Study the methods of thermo-gravimetric analysis.
Laboratory course
Student will be able to:-
Physical chemistry:- Non instrument experiments, Instrumental experiments
Inorganic Chemistry:- Gravimetric estimation, Inorganic preparation.
Titrimetric estimation:- Percentage purity , Ion exchange method, Analysis of commercial sample.
Organic Chemistry:- Organic estimation, Organic preparation, Preparation of derivatives. .
Sem- I Algebra
Student will be able to:-
Define matrices and its types and rank of matrices, Cayley Hamilton theorem .
Application of matrices to a system of linear ( Homogeous and Non homogeous) eqution .
Define Eigen value and Eigen vector .
Sem-I Calculus
Student will be able to:-
Discuss the successive differenciation and explain the Leibntiz Rule.
Explain the mean value theorem ,discuss the Maciaurins and Taylors series expansion .
Sem- II Geometry
Student will be able to:-
Describe the various forms of equation of plane , straight line , Spheres , cone..
Find the angle between two lines , angle between line and plane.
Discuss the centre radius form ,general form and its examples
Sem - II Differential Equation
Student will be able to:-
Exact the solution of differential equations of the first order and of first degree by variables separable,Homogenous and non Homogenous methods.
Ncessaryand sufficient condition for rules discuss linear differential equations with constant coeffients .
Sem - III Differential Calculus
Student will be able to:-
Find the maxima and minima of function of two variables .
Find the radius of curvature .
Solve equation by Jocobian method .
Sem - III Real Analysis
Student will be able to:-
Define different types of sets .
Discuss the behaviour of the geometric series.
Verify the given sequence in convergent and divergent by using behaviour of monotonic sequence.
Explain subsequence.
Prove Cauchys first theorem ,Cesaras theorem , Cauchys second limit theorem..
Sem- IV Differential Eqution
Student will be able to:-
Equtions that can be resolved into factors of fiwrst degree, Clairaut eqution.
Discuss the working rule for finding the solution.
Nature of the solution of simultaneous eqution, rules of solving the eqution.
Sem - IV Algebra
Student will be able to:-
Introduction of groups and verify the given set is group or not.
Define permutation and its types.
Explain the equivalence relation and its types.
Sem - V Algebra
Student will be able to:-
Define vector space ,quotient space , direct sum , linear span and linear independence, Basis and inner product space.
Discuss the linear transformations , rank , nullity.
Solve the system of simultaneous linear equations.
Sem - V Complex Analysis
Student will be able to:-
Compute sums , product , quotients ,conjugate , modulus ,and argument of complex numbers.
Calculate exponentials and integral power of complex numbers.
Determine whether a given function is analytic.
Represent functions as Taylor Power and Laurent series .
Sem - V Integral Calculus
Student will be able to:-
Explain the properties of definite integrals.
Evalute the double integrals.
Explain properties of beta and gamma function.
Sem -V Partial Differential Equation
Student will be able to:-
Solve Lagranges method by partial differential equation .
Find the solution of first order partial differential equations for some standard types.
Sem- VI Metric Space
Student will be able to:-
Define metric space and limits in metric space.
Expalin Schwartz , Minkowski inequality.
Reformulation and define open set and closed set.
Discuss complete and compact metric spaces
Sem-VI Numerical Analysis
Student will be able to:-
Define basic concepts of operators.
Find the difference of polynomial.
Solve problems using Newton Backward formula.
Derive Simpson rules using Ttrapenzoidal rule.
Sem-VI Laplace Transform
Student will be able to:-
UseInvers Laplace Tansform to return familiar functions.
Apply Laplace Tansform to solve second order linear differential equation and simultaneous linear differential equation.
Sem-VI Programming in C
Student will be able to:-
First introduction , importance of C , programming style etc.
Discuss constants , variables and data types.
Operators and Expressions.
Sem:- I P-I Mechanical and Properties of Matter
Student will be able to:-
Moment of Inertia
Student Understood the important concept of Moment of inertia
The student are able to calculate moment of inertia of various rigid bodies
Student Understood the working theory of compound pendulum
Students are successfully able to understand theory of various pendulums
like Bar pendulums Keters Pendulums ,Bifilar Pendulums ,Tortional Pendulum.
Students Understood the concept of elasticity.
Student understood the Relation between elastic constant
student also studied the theory and experimental method to study Poisson’s ratio
elastic constants, Poisson’s ratio of rubber tube (Theory and experimental method)
Surface Tension
Students Understood the concept of surface tension.
Students Understood the relation between.Excess pressure inside a liquid drop and soap bubble.
Student Understood the factors affecting. Surface tension and Application of Surface Tension.
Viscosity and Fluid dynamics
Students Understood the concept of Viscosity and Fluid dynamics
To understand Energy possessed by liquid,poiseuille's equation, Bernoulli’s theorem and its applications.
Sem-I P-II Optics
Students will able to:-
Provide a good foundation in optics
Provide a knowledge of the behaviour of light T
Inspire interest for the knowledge of concepts is physical and geometrical physics
Sem-II P-III Electricity, Magnetism and Basic Electronics
Students will able to:-
Gain knowledge about the electrical energies in order to
Learn motion of charges
Acquire basic knowledge of magnetic properties
Know about the alternating current and its circuits
Get a depth knowledge about electricity and magnetism
Sem- II P-IV Heat and Thermodynamics
Students will able to:-
Transport Phenomenon:-The Students understood the concept Transport phenomenon, its types, Coefficient of viscosity and conductivity
Liquefaction of Gases:-The Students understood the concept J-T effect Liquefaction of gases adiabatic demagnetization, and properties of liquid helium.
Thermodynamics:-The Students understood the concept get Knowledge of Laws of thermodynamics Reversible and Irreversible processes, Isothermal and adiabatic process, Adiabatic relations and entropy.
Heat engines:-The Students understood Carnot’s heat engine, Otto engine, Diesel engine efficiency and their comparison
Refrigerator:-The Students understood get Knowledge of principal Refrigeration Cycle COP, Vapor compression Refrigerator, Air conditioning and applications
Sem-III P-V General Physics, Heat and Sound
Students will able to:-
Vectors:The Students understood get Knowledge Scalar and vector triple product Scalar and vector fields, Del operator Gradient of a scalar Divergence of a vector,curl of vector and their physical significance
Precessional Motion:-The Students understand Precession Nutation Lanchester’s rules Gyroscope and its applications
Elasticity:-The Students get Knowledge of Elasticity Bending moment Cantilever expression for Yand η of Flat spiral spring
Viscosity:-The Students get Knowledge of Viscosity Searle’s viscometer and Ostwald’s viscometer
Heat:-The Students understand Entropy, physical significance of entropy, T -S diagram and Entropy of a perfect gas
Sound:The Students get Knowledge of Transducer, Acoustics and its affecting factors, Reverberation time, Requirements of good acoustics, Sabine’s formula and production, Detection,
Sem-III P-VI Electronics
Students will able to:-
Acquire knowledge and apply it to various electronically instruments
Apply the development of the electronic instruments
Motivate the students to apply the principles of electronics in their day-to-day life.
Sem-IV P-VII Modern physics
Students will able to:-
Theory of relativity:-The Students understand Galilean transformation, Ether hypothesis Michelson-Morley experiment Einstein’s postulates of the special theory of relativity, Lorentz transformation, Variation of length and time with velocity, Velocity addition theorem, Mass energy relation,Twin paradox
Matter waves:The Students understand De Broglie’s hypothesis of matter waves, and wavelength, group velocity phase velocity & their interrelationship, Properties of matter, Bohr’s quantum condition on the basis of matter wave hypothesis, Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle and its illustrations
Vector Atom model:-The Students understand Space quantization, Spin hypothesis, Stern-Gerlache experiment, Pauli’s exclusion principle, Spin orbit coupling, Hund’s rule Total angular momentum, L-S coupling, j-j coupling, Zeeman effect, Normal and anomalous Zeeman effect, Debye’s explanation of normal Z effect
Compton effect:-The Students understand concept of Compton Effect, change in wavelength for scattered photon, Experimental verification of Compton effect
Nuclear Energy sources:-The Students understand Neutron induced nuclear reaction, Nuclear fission, Energy released in fission, Chain reaction (Atomic Bomb), Nuclear reactor. Atomic energy in India
Sem-IV P-VIII Optics
Students will able to:-
Provide a good foundation in optics
Provide a knowledge of the behaviour of light T
Inspire interest for the knowledge of concepts is physical and geometrical physics
Sem-I Paper-I Microbiology and Phycology
Students will able to:-
The students understand the viruses, diversity of bacteria and about the Mycoplasma
The students study about the classification system of Algae with detail study
The students understand about the aquatic habitat, the characters, morphology and importance about Algae.
Sem-I Paper-II Fungi and Archegoniate
Students will able to:-
To know about the heterotrophs with general introduction about the true fungi.
Understand about the classification and economic importance of fungi.
To know about the general characters of Archegoniate
Sem-II Paper-III Plant Ecology
Students will able to:-
Students understand climatic and edaphic factors.
To understand about the morphological, anatomical and physiological adaptations
The students understand about the Plant communities.
To know about the ecological succession with hydrosere and xerosere.
Sem-II Paper-IV Taxonomy of Angiosperms
Students will able to:-
Students understand highly advanced group of plant Angiosperms
Students understand the classification systems of plantsas Natural, Artificial and Phylogenitic system of classification.
Students understand about the technique of herbarium and know about the botanical gardens in India.
Sem-III Paper V Anatomy & Taxonomy of Angiosparm
Students will able to:-
The student can understand about the meristem & its theories of structural development
The student know about tissue system & their functions
Know about the morphology of Angiospermic plants
Sem-III Paper VI Plant ecology
Students will able to:-
The student can know about the ecology ecosystem.
They can understand about the echological succession & adaptation of plants with respect to habitat
The student should about pollution its effect & control
Sem IV Paper-VII (plant physicology & cytogene)
Students will able to:-
The student know about: the process of photosynthesis with its apparatus .
The process of nitrogen metabolism & mechanism of biological nitrogen fixation.
The process of genetics laws of inheritance &about calssical genetics.
Sem-IV Paper VIII Economic Botany
Students will able to:-
The student understand about the morphology, economic importance of plant like legumes, Oil eiding plants, fibers, ornamental plants etc.
Sem- I Paper I Animal Diversity I
Students will able to:-
Understand general characters of non-chordates such as Protista,porifera, cnidaria, Platyhelminthes, nemathelminthes, Annelida, arthropod, mollusca, Echinodermata.
Give the examples of each phylum.
know the economic importance of non-chordates groups.
Aware faunal biodiversity in nature.
Classify the animals up to orders by observation of characters.
Sem-I Paper II Animal Diversity II
Students will able to:-
Understand the general characters of protochoradtes.
Learn the chordates animals such as Agatha, Pisces amphibian, reptiles, aves , mammals.
Differentiates each animals from position and body character’s, organisation.
Develop skill identify the poisonous and non-poisonous snakes.
Sem-II Paper III Comparative anatomy of vertebrates
Students will able to:-
Understand the integumentary system of glands and digital tips.
Know the skeletal system of appendicular and axial parts of vertebrates.
Compare and identify the anatomical parts functions.
Draw the diagram of different body parts.
Gives the functions of each body parts.
Sem-II Paper IV Developmental Biology
Students will able to:-
Understand basic mechanism spermatogenesis, gametogenesis in mammals.
Learn mechanism of external fertilization in amphibians and internal fertilization in mammals.
Understand embryonic development such as cleavage, blastula, gastrula, fate map in frog and human.
Understand the cellular differ nation ,movement epiboly, emboly apotosis.
Know the metamorphosis in tadpole larva of frog.
Sem-III Paper V Animal Diversity III
Students will able to:-
Understand different phylum such as arthropoda,mollusc, echinodermata, and hemichordate.
Apply the knowledge in control the vector such as malaria, filarial and dengue.
Analyse the various mouth parts cockroach, honeybee, housefly, butterfly and mosquito.
Develops empathy and love towards animals.
Gain the knowledge of foot modification in mollusca.
Sem-III Paper VI Cell Science, Genetics, Biological Chemistry and Economic Zoology
Students will able to:-
Understand cell cycle know importance in body organisms..
Gain the knowledge about genetic concepts such as linkage, supplementary , complementary gene, downs syndrome, turners syndrome, klinefelters syndromes.
Understand the biomolecule carbohydrates, protein, lipids DNA and RNA..
Aware the concept of fishery, sericulture, apiculture, dairy, poultry, goat farming.
Know the the economic importance of goat, honey bee, silkworm, dairy poultry birds.
Sem-IV Paper VII Animal Diversity IV
Students will able to:-
Understand salient feature of reptiles, birds and mammals.
Know the systematic position of rat.
Explain the digestive, respiratory, circulatory, excretory, nervous, reproductive system in rat.
Gains the knowledge about poisonous and non-poisonous snake.
Apply the knowledge first aid treatment of snake bite.
Gain the information aerial adaption in birds, beak and leg modification.
Sem-IV Paper VIII Histology and Physiology
Students will able to:-
To study and understand different type of tissue such epithelial, connective, muscular and nerves tissue.
Understand histology of mammalian organs such as tooth, tongue, kidney, liver and testis.
Obtain the knowledge of reproductive physiology of pituitary glands and its hormones.
Understands sex hormone, oestrus cycle, menstrual cycle, pregnancy , parturition and lactation.
Understand contraceptives to birth control in both male and female.
B. Sc.Part – I Compulsory English (Semester I &II)
Students will learn to use interview skills, comprehension skills successfully
Students will have a comand on communication skills.
Students will learn human values, professional ethics, gender equality through this course.
Students will be competant to communicate through English.
This course will improve their vocabulary and communication skills
B. Sc.Part – III Compulsory English (Semester V &VI)
Students will be able to use english language in their day to day life.
Students will acquire soft skills after complition of course.
Students will improve their communication skill.
Students vocabulary will be enriched.
Students will learn human values , professional ethics , gender equlity through this course.