Shri.Bharat Shikshan Prasarak Mandal Wadala's


Reaccredited with B++ (2.87 CGPA ) by NAAC

Affiliated to Punyashlok Ahilyadevi Holkar Solapur University, Solapur

Address- Tal.North Solapur, Dist.Solapur - 413222 (Maharashtra State).

Phone/Fax :0217-2246530, E-MAIL :


  • 1)    Show your identity card whenever you visit the library.


    2)    Take proper care of all library resources .


    3)    Write your name in the register of the counter while entering in the library.


    4)    Kindly switch off the mobile phone while you visit the library.


    5)    Any personal belongings are not permitted into the library.


    6)    Eatables are not allowed inside the library & reading hall.


    7)    Students should return their book in given time period.


    8)    If any book is lost or damaged beyond repair the person responsible shall replace it with new copy or pay.

    Library Rules  For Students/Users.


    1)      Library will be open from 8.30 to 04.30 pm on working day.

    2)      On exam day library and reading room will be open from 8.00 am to 5.00 pm

    3)      Books transaction will be from 10.00 am to 4.00 pm

    4)      Every student should bring his/her own identity card.

    5)      Books will be not issued without identity card.

    6)      Every student will be issued 2 books & 1 magazine on borrow card.

    7)      If books are not returned on due date Rs.1 will be fined per day per book. The Maximum 1 will be fined RS150 per Book.

    8)      Student should return the library books within 7 days.

    9)      Reference book will be not allowed to carry outside of the library such books will have o return in the library only.

    10)   Books are found turn molests then the price of the books will be recovered.

    11)   Students must observe silence in the library so that other students are not disturbed.

    12)  Student should keep the mobile switched off in the library.

    13)  Student should not mark, scratch and detach any page or figure from the book.

    14)  Student can borrow in their identity card text books, magazines ,news papers question paper set etc.

    15)  Smoking ,spitting, sleeping, eating, chitchatting are strictly prohibited.

    16)  Mobile phones are strictly prohibited in the reading room.

    17)  In discipline  / misbehaviour will not be tolerate.





                         1.         Teacher will get at the most 15 books at a time

                         2.         Teacher should return the reference book to the library within two months and

                         text book at the end of year.

                         3.         Per day per book Rs. 1/- will be charged if teacher fails to return the book in


                         4.         Library reserves the right to exchange the book or to renew the book.

                         5.         The some books will be issued to the some reader only After the gap of one


                         6.         If books are found torn, deformed or molested then the price of book will be


                         7.         Teacher will have open access in the library.

                         8.         If books are found marked with ball pen or ink pen that the price will be 


                         9.         A non-teaching staff member can borrow two books, one general one magazine

                        for 1 month. Text books and reference books will be not issued to them on any


                       10.       Periodical will be issued fifteen days after their entry.

                       11.       Books/periodicals not returned within due date Rs. 1/- will be fined per day per

                         book. The maximum will be fined Rs. 200/-.

                       12.       Syllabus, Question paper seats, guides etc. will be not issued. However

                         employees can borrow and go through them in the reading room.

                       13.       Encyclopaedia Dictionaries Annual Issues, Bound volumes, Articles Magazines

                        and Rare books will be not issue.